Media Center
Welcome to the Crawford County Primary School
CCPS Media Center Policies and Procedures
Media Schedules
Students will visit every two weeks as part of Specials rotation.
Monday - Accelerated Reader (Once it’s up and running)
Tuesday - STEM Stations/Creative Centers
Wednesday - Storytime with literacy activities
Thursday - Fry Sight Word lessons/activities/games
Friday - Library Book Checkout Day with video/activity
Media Visit Procedures:
Homeroom teachers will make routine visits for checkouts and media lessons.
No book checkout —Pre K
One book limit —Kindergarten-1st grade
Two books limit —2nd grade
Three-week loan period
With a pass from a teacher, students may visit more frequently.
Only two students at a time
Students may use the bins located inside the media center to return books anytime.
Overdue Penalties:
Students cannot checkout as long as books are late or missing.
Report Cards will be withheld for students with outstanding obligations at the end of the school year.
Media Center Rules:
Be orderly
Follow directions
Speak in whispers
Take care of materials
Keep your area clean